Most admirable and exquisite girl you’ll ever meet.Trust me when I say...she’s worth living for.Her smile is BEAUTIFUL and she would make the perfect girlfriend!
Person1:Who are you in lov3 with?
Person2:I’m in love with Musfira
by TheFreshTeddy December 24, 2019
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The most beautiful girl in the universe. The girl worth living for. Has the utmost beauty, and charming look. Her beautiful cheeks and beautiful long hair can instantly kill you peacefully.
Dude 1: Man, who's the girl whom I died after I looked her in the eye.

Dude2: Dude!, She's the most beautiful girl, Musfira
by A young beast September 20, 2019
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The most beautiful girl in the universe. A girl worth living for. She has an unimaginable utmost beauty. So beautiful that when you try to look her in the eyes, she'll look down telling you that she's taken and go, leave. But don't kill urself, u dumbo!
I wish I am with Musfira in the Jannah
by A young beast September 20, 2019
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musfira is the most kindest person you'd ever meet. everyone thinks she's super nice even though she looks like a bitch. apart from her resting bitch face, she's super swag and #wifeymaterial . ILY MUSFIRA!!
hey is that musfira?

yeah ofcourse! the most swaggest nicest prettiest awesomest coolest kindest beautiful-est wifey-est person ever! musfira!
by half dixie d'amelio, half fish November 22, 2021
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