Lilliah is a sweet friend she can be really bossy and over protective at times but she’s really nice and no matter what when you like a guy/girl she will tell them and lilliahs can never hold secrets! But they are really good friends! Just don’t give them secrets 😂
Lilliahs are really good friends except when you give them a secret and there also very rough!
by Ash_224 November 3, 2019
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A name derived from the flower Lilium or Lily.
Someone who is pure, delicate, graceful, and full of love. Like the flower, stands out above all others.
Lilliah is a sweet girl.
by Ugli3chick July 1, 2023
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Really kind and caring. Could argue with someone for a million dollars. Normally tall and blond with blue eyes. Don’t push their buttons. If anyone is mean to their friends they won’t hesitate to be mean to you back.
Guy- “Did you see Lilliah over there?”
Guy 2- “Yeah I did. They where very kind!”
by Lil <3 October 17, 2022
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