The best at shagging woman, especially hot ones. Good at ofcourse woman shagging and shagging woman. Best person to ever exist. No doubt
Kosii is the best at shagging woman
by BigBattyBoyLover October 4, 2021
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A truley magestic lover and ravisher of woman, Kosii is a complete and utter stud responsible for at least 99% of the affairs in the Sheffield area. Any mere mortal is at risk of spontaneously combusting at the very sight of Kosii thanks to his massive muscles and complete and utter W Rizz. Men, woman and everyone inbertween beg for the slightest recognition from Kosii, but as a man surrounded by the finest ladies, he doesn't have time for schmucks like Jake Cuthbert (a homeless man). He is no man, but a god so get on your fucking knees (not in a gay way)
"Wow, Kosii is so sexy, he gets all the woman!" - A hot, rich supermodel
"Help, I'm on fire all because of Kosii!" - A mortal man who attempted to look at Kosii
"I will loosen your batty Kosii!" - Jake Cuthbert
by BigBattyBoyLover February 15, 2023
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