Khuhsi(s) are very loyal and trust worthy friends. They are very kind and nice. They are easy to depend on and you can trust them with your whole life. One of the realest people out there. People are very lucky to have them as a friend. They are simply gorgeous but don’t like to admit it. Even if people compliment them, they never take it. Believe it or not they are beautiful. They can make you laugh easily and they are a very giggles smiley person. Sometimes they get very insecure by some people. Khushi (s) are strong people with a strong mind and high ambitions. They are adorable and very smart. They could be a little romantic sometimes and they fall in love easily. They could get heart broken rly fast but it’s okay.
khushi is so loyal
i love khushi so much

khushi is so kind
by heyoitsme March 19, 2018
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One of the most beautiful creature. A creature so beautiful from inside as well as outside that it's existence makes you happy. She herself is happiness.
by Nacheese January 14, 2018
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A cute person. She is everybody's favorite gal. Loves fashion. The name means "happy" in Hindi. EVERYBODY wants to be Khushi.

Bad outfits

Being stared at (mostly by men)
Ignorant people
The 50s

Being stared at and appreciated by her friends
by yesididthat October 13, 2020
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May God fill your life with lots of Khushi
by arfee February 1, 2010
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A Khushi is very shy and doesn’t talk to people a lot unless you’re her friend. She is mean to you in a joking way if your very close to her. Most times they’re going through hard times and you don’t notice so you always have to be there for them when they’re there for you too. Khushi if you’re reading this then i love you don’t give up.
“Have you heard of Khushi”
Yeah she’s my bestie
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A super cute girl who is often shy but once you get to know her she is a total badass. She can make all the guys fall for her but the boys better not mess with her.
Boy: did you see Khushie today

Girl: yah she is over there
Boy: do you think she will go out with me
by Dacemace21 March 2, 2018
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