Kairav is the most trustworthy, coolest and the hottest guy in school. All the ladies fawned over him. He is the type of guy that will make your day brighter just by seeing his smile. He will always try to help you feel better if you're having a bad day & he has such an amazing personality on top of his handsome & perfect looks. He supports you through thick and thin and he has such an amazing sense of humor. He is the most thoughtful, sweet, and caring guy that you will ever meet & you know that you can tell him anything, because he won't tell a soul. If you come across this guy, know that he will change your life forever. He makes a wonderful boyfriend and a great husband material.If you're lucky enough to find this guy, be sure to keep him in your life for as long as you possibly can, because you won't ever find another guy like him in this world.

Moreover he is full of self respect and Pride with fire in his eyes, carries a heart of warrior but really soft from inside.
Kalrav is sweeter than candy, hotter than fire and keeps an attitude of lion.
by Professor493 November 24, 2021
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A very friendly human who is always full of humor , has a good control on emotions and jealous bitch sometimes. Good at mimicking other people.loved by parents than other siblings.
She:damn tht guy has a good humor.
Him:he's just being kalrav for once.
by Insta-__pri.yaan November 21, 2021
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