Kürşat is a turkish male name.
(most of the time hot asf)

Soo if you ever meet a Kürsat in your life, be nice to him so he will be even nicer to you.
He has a heartwarming personality and will be always loyal to you if you don't betray him.
If you find a good one, he will make you laugh a lot and you are just a more happier person around him!

His flirty and humorous side will make you fall for him instantly!
cat: I fear no one..
mochi: But that thing.. *shows pic of Kürsat's cock*, it scares me..
by lasermani October 6, 2020
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when you go out clubbing overdrinking on alcohol and still lighting up a blunt

as a result you are going to puke the next 24 hours
Albanian: You you want a hit?
Kürsat: No
Albanian: Yes you do
Kürsat: Okay, *takes hit*
Dirty Kürsat: *pukes on the dancefloor*
by lasermani October 6, 2020
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