Juneurary(JUNE-YOO-RARE-EEE): Stating that it is in fact June, yet it still has January weather (ie:rain, hail, coldness). Uncommon in most parts of the world, except Washington.
by FML, no. F WA. June 2, 2011
A word derived from the combination of June and January. Used to describe shitty weather in June, because although it’s supposed to be getting close to summer, it still looks and feels like January outside.
"Im supposed to be enjoying my summer! Why the hell is it still raining and cold out?"
"Because its Juneuary."
"Because its Juneuary."
by mercerdes June 13, 2008
When the weather reaches abnormally high temperatures in winter, namely January, causing it to feel like the middle of June.
by ilovethecolorblue January 26, 2010