Occurs when one becomes so excited about getting a new planner that they can no longer contain the pleasure it will bring them.
Person 1: OMG I just spent 30 bucks on a planner with this amazingly complex organizational system. I even had my name engraved on it! (Person 1's eyes roll into the back of their head)

Person 2: Wow, stop journalgasming all over the place.

Person 1: You just wouldn't understand! You're such a planner newb!
by be2014 December 27, 2011
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The event of something so amazing happening that you can't think of anything except your journal or blog and how appropriate it would be and one explodes in a fit of ecstasy
*Obama messes up the speech at his inaugaration*

Shelly: OMG, this is incredible! I know just where this is going as soon as i get home!!

Michelle: Oh no, Shelly's had her 5th journalgasm of the day.
by sjp09 January 21, 2009
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