A guy that has sexual tension to the younger age of the spectrume whether boy and or girl. Not found very attractive to the opposite sex but works because they usually find love within in the same gender.
Jonca found love with a 10 year old boy when he was 14.
by Nathenal Sins October 19, 2020
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The dopest guy you will ever meet can’t speak French that well, usually very short and most likely the JPM of your local high school.
That guy is such a Joncas
by Skwkksnsnana December 8, 2018
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He's a complete libtard. He wants to become PM for Canada *never gonna happen*. He likes to get attention from EVERY. SINGLE. PERSON. He loves BDSM and Hentai on the daily!
that joshua joncas kid really likes hentai eh?
by wtf is this for October 30, 2019
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