When someone gets offended easily when you didn’t mean anything by it.
Mitch: dude why would you say that?!?!

Patrick: chill man I didn’t mean anything by it, don’t get your jock in a wad.
by Bruh, chill. July 13, 2018
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a sub label of the style prep, now defined as its own swagger type.

Prep- for typical teenage behavior, in areas like clothing, school behavior, and sports participation, classic, intelligent.

-preps usually are more ambitious and/or image-conscious than others.

Trip- meaning the Swagger itself represented
Ayyy, my boys rockin' his jock trip today
by swaggeright December 7, 2010
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Dandruff on your ball sack and grundle area.
Damn these potatos taste like they were made with jock salt
by Youngsandwitch April 5, 2017
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When one wears socks in his underwear to enhance the size of his package
When one uses socks to enhance the size of their package whilst wearing underwear . It looks like he is wearing sock jocks
by Titanic88 May 24, 2017
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