An unstable state of mind which leaves one teetering on the brink of insanity, often causing one to ritualistically disembowel one's immediate family or sometimes just be institutionalized. Occasionally resulting in promiscuous sex which one will not remember.
"After Jeremy consumed too many drugs, he was so Oww Jeka that he chased his father around with a band-saw at the family reunion. Then he fucked an entire female professional lacrosse team, remembering nothing."
by Leviticus Promiscuous March 2, 2011
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Jeka Mae is a softhearted woman. She is easily persuaded by her loved ones and get disappointed eventually. She loves to hang out with friends and joy ride with them. She has a sexy body and a nice height that mostly woman at her age dream of. She is a good dancer and good model. She is smart and responsible. She knows what she wants and go for it.

But Jeka Mae needed patience to become the person she wants because her rode is not that smooth.
Boy 1: Have you heard abot this girl named Jeka Mae?
Boy 2: Yes bro, yes. What about her?
Boy 1: She is so gorgeous and she's good at dancing.
Boy 2: Wow, that's cool.
by Prlmn June 8, 2021
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