The art of becoming one with whatever activity you are doing, going about the game in a careless and joyful manner knowing you can jeb all day. One must be a jeb to start jebbin, not anyone can jeb.
Example : Did you see Heath just drill that 35ft putt. Zhen- Yeah he's really jebbin today.
by Jeberoni September 10, 2020
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A Jebbin is a close-minded, news watching individual often spotted in a grey suit commuting home from his 9-5. A Jebbin is generally be found to be politically opinionated & stuck in the rat race, merely blind to the Free World outisde.

Originated by The Free World Country Club
John - "Yeah flippin' NFTs seems cool but nothing will beat the security of a 9-5 job with a good pension"

Astro - "Christ John why you always got to be such a fucking Jebbin man"
by Free Worlder June 14, 2022
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