Janaiya is the type of girl that everyone likes to be around. She usually ends up liking her close friends but never telling them because she’s afraid of rejection. She is one of the meanest but nicest people you will ever meet and will always be there for her friends. Most of Janaiya’s friends tend to be males because she hates drama and isn’t very girly. If you have a crush on a girl named Janaiya, tell her because she probably likes you back. Never let her go
Hayden: I think I like Janaiya
Kaya: tell her then!
by Queen_123 November 25, 2019
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smart, beautiful, born to be a model , mean, caring , thoughtful, shows affection, and doesn't take crap from anyone

ooo look at janaiya's fine self!
by realfoke January 25, 2014
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She is smart, strong, beautiful and amazing!!! She’s a lovley, and so caring and loving to the people she surrounds her self with. If you ever come across a Janaiya hang on tight to her, she’s precious and valuable, letting her go would be a huge mistake :)
Janaiya is pretty awesome!! ;)
by Heyyooooo123 January 3, 2019
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Janaiya Hennessey Is the most beautiful , smart , silly , funny and weird girl . She sometimes has sense but at times can be abit stupid . In the good side she has lots of passions for herself as to follow her dreams and keep in going in life , Janaiya is talented in every way and has and amazing style . She is very thoughtful and dosent care what any one thinks about her ... be like Janaiya Hennessey
by Ghana kisses April 13, 2018
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Janaiya Willis's are perfection at it's finest. They can be the kindest but meanest girls in the world. If you're friends with a Janaiya Willis she will be the best looking person you know with a funny personality. Don't ever get on Janaiya's bad side or you will be in a world of hurt. She can be your best friend, therapist, and girlfriend all in one.
Never turn your back on a Janaiya Willis or she will come for you.
Man: "Is that Janaiya Willis?"
Man 2: "Yeah I'd totally rail her"
by Youranonymoussimp August 15, 2022
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