Jerkadent: an accident caused by a JERK who wasn't paying attention, was under the influence of alcohol or drugs, talking on ones cell phone/and or texting, driving a vehicle at a rapid speed well above the posted speed limit, and causes an ACCIDENT. This no longer becomes an accident, it is a JERKADENT.
Joe is driving home from the bar wasted, going 65MPH in a 50MPH Zone, Joes booty call rings up, he answers, and proceeds to text his buddies that he is going to get lucky.

Meanwhile Sally is driving home from the late shift at Mcdonalds. She drives through a posted GREEN light, when BAM Joe (busy texing) t-bones her.

This causes a JERKADENT. It isn't an accident because Joe was being a complete dick JERK!! Accidents are mistakes, JERKADENTS are accidents caused by careless losers.
by Caylene Alexis October 18, 2013
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