A term used to describe that you are stuck on what seems like an island of depression, regret, or any emotion that holds you back and keeps you from living the way you want to.
Girl 1: Hey, I’ve heard you haven’t been feeling the greatest since what had happened. Are..you okay?
Girl 2: Yeah... just stuck on island blue...
by Papillon Papi April 14, 2018
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A place with many bars and many people who are both meaningless in their ways and can’t drive. Good food.
My family dumped me, I’m going to blue island.
by Lieutenant Dan January 17, 2019
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If refering to a "Rosalio" it's a place to get boked as hell and do nothin. A bar crowed town with a strange smell.
"A i'm gonna go Blue Island get boked at the garage."
by Green Wolf August 30, 2008
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