ISIS, ISIL, or the Islamic State, is an armed organisation based on establishing an Islamic caliphate in the Middle East including regions such as Syria and Iraq. Best known for the well-publicised recent beheadings of American and British citizens abducted in Syria.
The Islamic State is currently waging a war against the Syrian government over control of the country.
by commienazijew November 14, 2014
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Tyrone: "Yooo nigguh remember USA where we had sailfoams, fried chicken, and colt 45's n shieet?"
Jose: "Yee homes, I used to put fried chicken on my tacos nomsayin"
Mohammad: "Do not discuss infidel idols of the past!! We are now the Islamic States of Afro-Mexico. Now point your ass to Meccah or I will keel you!!"
by EroticOnion23 February 9, 2024
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