A period of warm, dry weather following the first killing frost of autumn.
After the cold snap, a pleasant spell of Indian summer weather allowed us to finish building the backyard deck.
by David Bassler April 28, 2006
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Warm spell in autumn.

"Indian" meant "false" by racist colonialists.

See Indian giver.
Thanks to the Indian summer, I'll be playing softball with my family on Thanksgiving.
by AbnormalBoy May 25, 2004
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The phrase used to describe sexing where creamed corn is inserted into a females vaginal cavity.
"Hey Tim! I heard you've been having a lot of indian summers lately."

"Yeah, it makes my dick feel good."


"You know what I'd like Jaquasia? A nice indian summer, I like when your vagina feels like vegetables."
by timtimyep January 27, 2010
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To spoon creamed corn into a woman's vagina, one kernel at a time.
"I saw some cream corn coming from that girls panties! Must have been an Indian Summer!"
by CraneBass January 27, 2010
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