(a). I Love The Corps: A popular sci-fi horror military role-playing game full of peril, despair, demise and heavy metal.

(b). How you must claim to feel when playing after the United Colonial Marine Corps raids your home planet, blows up your hometown, slaughters your family and kidnaps you to train you as a disposable sack of meat marine for their own discreet exploratory missions.
Example 1: "My life is now a speck of what it once was. My will shattered, broken. As soon as I can see my chance I'm going to escape my unit on the next mission. But where to? They destroyed everything that mattered to me. I have no home to return to, there's no one I love left in this universe. But I can't stay here. If I don't follow their orders they'll kill me on sight, or worse. Wait, what's that? Who's there? WHAT! NO! WHAT ARE YOU DOING! LET GO ME! NO, PLEASE! I'LL DO ANYTHING YOU SAY! I LOVE THE CORPS! ILTC! ILTC!"

Example 2: "Anyone up for a game of ILTC?"
by tepants July 4, 2016
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Hay guize, ILTC! Let's have buttsex!
by datoo July 19, 2009
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