i'm horny

1. The common phrase used when particularly drunk, tired or turned on by certain images.
2. What one says to friends when one needs personal space

3. The phrase women least want to hear from a "friendzoned" guy
ex. I'm horny... and cannot walk a straight line.
3. "I'm horny!" "No, John, I'm not interested- AT ALL."
by Howeverfore October 7, 2013
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A good song made by rap artist Jpegmafia with a really fucked up opening. That opening being the sound of a police officer getting shot to death by a man having a ptsd attack.
Dan: Damn bro, I just listened to I Just Killed A Cop Now I'm Horny. I'll never be able to get those pain filled screams out of my mind.
by SoozaSimp March 20, 2023
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