
The definition of a pure athlete he's cool, nice, sweet, and big hearted very generous and always there for people. Often a best friend to many people.
Whoa he's so cool that must be Hudson.
by Jaysean12 September 15, 2011
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Hudson is an amazing, beautiful boy. He is someone who is always very courteous and thoughtful. He can become upset if he hurts someone he cares for, and immediately works to fix it.
Hudson is the best boy to ever exist!
by flannelshirtchild January 24, 2018
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The most amazing person ever. Girl and even men are attracted to you. You have a huge penis that the girl love. You are super funny. Super athletic and still has straight As. You are best looking person on the planet with the best eyes. Usually blue with blonde hair. You are also fit most likely to have a six pack. You are also tall.
Everyone with be like oh look there's Hudson.
by RetardedApple21 March 16, 2017
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The greatest person in the history of the universe. Athletic and kind. Good-hearted, and always a good and loyal friend. He makes a great boyfriend and usually isn't the one who breaks up with the girl.
by Guy2000_bro April 28, 2020
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Someone to blame. A word commonly used to push the blame onto someone else
Who did that? HUDSON!
Why doesn't my lighter work? DAMN YOU HUDSON!
by lukeeboyo May 16, 2010
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A funny, smart, and cool guy. He’s cute and really easy to fall for. If you meet a Hudson, don’t lose him and keep him forever.
Person 1: Hey who’s that cool dude?
Person 2: Oh, that’s Hudson
by 😂😁💫💕 December 6, 2019
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Woman who has repeatedly or solely dated douche bag men. First used on the 01/06/10 broadcast of the Lex and Terry Morning Radio Show. Named for the actress Kate Hudson who has previously dated a long string of douche bags.
by 2toad January 8, 2010
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