Someone who purchases cryptocurrencies and holds onto them, generally with the hope of selling if the price dramatically increases. Also see bag holder.
"Yeah, I may have spent most of my life savings on a shitcoin, but I'm a hodler! It'll be worth $5 trillion in 10 years!"
by serbia's strongest soldier August 25, 2022
by BTG Hodler June 2, 2018
Bro 1: “Bro, that dude stole my girl.”
Bro 2: “He’s probably a Hoge Hodler”
“Yo, Broseforus Rex, check out that Hoge Hodler’s thick ass crypto wallet!”
Bro 2: “He’s probably a Hoge Hodler”
“Yo, Broseforus Rex, check out that Hoge Hodler’s thick ass crypto wallet!”
by Dirty_Montana May 2, 2021