A skateboarding trick that involves a combination of a Kickflip and Frontside Shove-it. Essentially what you end up having is what looks to be an inverted kickflip or a Frontside flip without turning your body with the board. Some skaters prefer to have this trick a little more leveled out compared to being inverted. Either way this trick is sure to impress.
by ufocalagrad10 November 29, 2010
Op in IRC and moderator on a forum who is also an internet-nazi. Pretty darn good at Desert Combat as well.
by Chadwick October 30, 2003
a trick in skateboarding. theoretically its a kickflip and a frontside shove-it simultaneously, but they always end up flipping vertically rather than horizontal because your front foot gets in the way of the FS shove-it.
by karl December 30, 2005
An advanced skateboarding flip trick which is basically a hardflip being rotated 360 degrees. A normal hardflip is a Frontside Pop Shuvit with a kickflip. A 360 hardflip is overrotated making it broken down into a Frontside 360 Pop Shuvit and a kickflip.
by XxWiZxX November 16, 2008