
The act of doing something so retarded with out you being diagnosed as mentally disabled.

The act of doing something only partially (half-way) to make it seem like you are a mentally challenged.

A nicer way of calling someone a retard.
One day we were walking up to a store and someone tried to open the door and when they went to walk in first they walked right into the door and all we could think of is "He must be half-way or something."
by The Newsties420 September 27, 2009
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half way there

Half way there is when something about someone is so attractive that it would make you wanna fuck them but u never actually do it
"Damn did u see Jim's new haircut"

"Ya he's definitely half way there"
by Cute ribbons 5 March 1, 2014
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half way crook

Does not exist. The fact that this definition is even here is a paradox.
"Scared to death, Scared to look, they shook,
'cause aint no such thing as half way crooks"
by iraqigangsta January 18, 2008
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Half way to Ye

Half way to Ye…means you’ve said something considered crazy or controversial.

You are on your way to being cray cray like Ye.
A bit off your rocker or mainstream thought
Gurl, you about half way to Ye thinking those eyebrows look good!”
by Cat@22 December 8, 2022
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Half-Way Rule

When listening to Pandora the half-way rule applies, meaning that if one is more than half-way through a particular song then you do not skip the song.
This is done in an effort to preserve the 5 skips per hour allowed by Pandora.
"dude this song is total shit, skip it"
"nah dude we're past half-way, i'm not gonna waste a skip"
half-way rule
by AgentPtheBA April 2, 2013
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Half Way Retarded

Someone who thinks they're very smart but is really fucking stupid.
"I consider myself a skeptical person and I've done my research. When you look into it, the Earth is flat."
"Dude, are you half way retarded?"
by jiggysaw17 November 21, 2018
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Half way to Ye

Nearly crazy or left of mainstream. Controversial.
Gurl, you half way to Ye thinking those eyebrows look good!”
by Cat@22 December 8, 2022
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