Nice ass.
Good grades.
Nice smile.
Sexy eyes.
A sucker for a guy with a great smile.
Hates haters and trolls
Only has about 2 or 3 friends that you can call, good friends.
Boy1: Dayum, have you seen Hailea's boobs?

Boy2: Hells yeah! Shes hot!
by Mwahslovesyou May 28, 2011
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an extremely hot girl with brown hair and blue eyes, has a lot of friends, goes out with 2 guys a year, loves to flirt, has an amazing figure and loves to party and show herself off
boy #1: duude look at that girl over there she has a bangin body
boy #2: her name must be hailea
by ilovethisgirlhailea July 6, 2011
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a crazy white girl who likes to shake her ass and dates 2 guys a year and has a very strict mother and an evil red head that lives across from her bedroom
dude your grounded again why are you being such a hailea
by DHOWHATTTT January 31, 2009
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If this is your name but it’s pronounced Hailey, you were probably an unwanted surprise to your parents. And since you brought misfortune to them they wanted to do the same thing to you ever time someone says “Hail-E-Ah?”. You’re also probably boring as hell even though your name has a “unique” *cough STUPID* spelling.
Person 1: What’s the stupidest name you’ve ever heard?
Person 2: Hailea.

Person 1: Hailey’s a pretty common name.

Person 2: No Hailey with an a at the end.

Person 1: Who I’m the fuck spells Hailey with an a.
by user427xy May 2, 2020
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