: look out , watch out, move out of the way
The man watched the piano falling from the sky about to land on a lad in the street, he yelled to the lad "HEY UP!" in which the fellow moved out of the way.
by Ashley theresa terri January 31, 2007
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A derivation of Ay-Up, used by those attempting to exhibit the common touch, when clearly a paid up memebr of the Habitat visiting middle class. See also mockney
Hey Up my mallard as opposed to
ay up me duck
by PHowesInCanal January 9, 2004
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Standard text message sent between 10pm and 2am to initiate a booty call.
"Hey, you up?"


"Shall I come over?"
by Timsta June 27, 2013
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When someone has a very logical point and they're too smart.
"Spider-Man could've been caught so many times." "Hey! Shut up.
by whyiseverythingused69 June 15, 2023
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Late night booty call
Mostly the man will this question when he wants to smash
Guy: hey you up???
Girl: ya why .
Guy: want some fuck ?
by HYU3129 May 28, 2017
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Either gender asking if the person they want to smash is up for a root.
Her: hey you up ?

Him: yea why
Her: I'll be over in 30 minutes
by Mellogibbo December 9, 2019
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When you see ur doos on streets
Oh! Hey what up mane
by Big Chaz March 5, 2019
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