When guys get emotional but (being guys) wish to restrain it therefore instead of bawling with tears and whatnot, their throats get tight and they start blinking a lot.
"I just finished Baten Kaitos Origins last night, man that cut-scene during the secret final boss made me guy cry."
"I always guy cry at the end of 'It's a Wonderful Life.'"
"I always guy cry at the end of 'It's a Wonderful Life.'"
by Timothy of Washington December 11, 2009
Where two men are so close with eachr that they could cry with eachh other and it's not weird. Their isn't really crying involved, but two men go and talk about their emotions without it being weird.
by aloneguitarist October 3, 2009
by H.E. Pennypacker April 27, 2006
by H.E. Pennypacker April 27, 2006