A character created by YouTuber MandJTV that appears whenever he gets a sponsor, and has now become a fan favorite character of the channel
Haha, it is I, Grunty Boi!
by TYBTalan July 14, 2023
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A bowl movement, jobbie, or crap session of such intensity that it is measured to the power of one million standard craps. Such is the magnitude and intensity of a mega grunty that it can be beyind the capability of the average colorectal system and therefore a mega grunty may need to be delivered by cesarean section. A mega gruntie can be both intense and satisfying and can therefore result in a backdoorgasm.
"Sorry to take so long, I was almost torn in half at the seams by a massive mega gruntie!"
by Gruntie Stevie September 19, 2019
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Escaped gas from the human rectum or anus
you will win the air grunty contest because you stink more than anyone else.
by stinky grunt June 14, 2011
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The catchphrase of the famous advertiser on the youtube channel known as MandJTV
Michael: Greetings, Pokefans! Michael here and
Grunty boi: Haha! It is I, Grunty Boi
by DudeOnAnApp February 7, 2023
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