Elongated version of ‘grim’. Can also be known as Grimothy Chalamet aka Grimotee Chalamet.
all the boys in the club were Grimothy Chalamet.
by Sophielations September 27, 2022
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Grimothy can be an adjective or a noun used to name something ugly, smelly, bedraggled and gross or something that disgusts the speaker
by Educationfish October 14, 2018
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A tiny black kitten that eats butter and begs for bacon
by Buttereater13 July 10, 2019
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Grimothy's are the biggest bitches you will ever meet. If you even make eye contact with one they shit themselves and let you fuck their girlfriend.
I ran into a Grimothy earlier; I really Jimmy'd up his chick.
by DanManVan October 6, 2020
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