A school where most of the students have room temp iq. Where white people are hated on for being white. As well as where half the school are gay fat theater kids who like to have gay orgys in the band hallway. Also where the school is always asking for money even after you leave. If you go here i recommend leaving.
Donald: wanna goto Greens Farms Academy(GFA) to play soccer
Ricardo: eww no there probably a BLM protest on the field
Donald: True
by Retarded theater kid July 30, 2022
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A school for faggots. Who ever goes here is probably gay and small, not just small in height but in the genital area as well. If you go here your totally a nerd and should probably transfer schools.
Caleb: hey man wanna hang out?
Luke: ew are u that kid from Green Farms Academy (GFA)
Caleb: yes why
Luke: smh you’re a loser nobody wants to hang out with you
by LUKEPICKARD April 23, 2018
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