When you anticipate getting a lot for next to nothing, but end up having to give way more than it's initially worth.
Dude 1: Man, I let them use my apartment for the weekend. They gave me $500, but i had to use $475 to clean up their mess.
Dude 2: Homie, you got fed on tax.
Dude 1: For real, tho....
by DaBoosh February 2, 2024
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When someone hits you with a knuckle sandwich.

When you get punched.
That guy just got fed!”

“Ron just ate the second most important meal of the day”

“James just fed Bert a knuckle sandwich

It’s lunchtime! lmao
by Little Charlie Ray April 4, 2024
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Did you fill up your stomach?

Got fed.
When you want the feds to think your a fed and you got fed
Got fed

When you get FED

up with everyone's bullshit

by DragonInk March 27, 2022
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