a type of person constantly in debt. goodrum can also be used to describe people who have large heads and consume to much A class drugs.
Person 1: wares my money
Person 2: i spent it on coke and weed nigga
Person 1: fucks sake you goodrum you are sucha poomplex
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Oli Goodrum is by far the gayest person to ever live. He has tiny nips and rubs his dick on his purple coral. He is also shit at playing bitmoji tennis on snapchat and can't run so he made up a fake time. Oli Goodrum is also extremely sexy and is fucked hot but thats not the point. OLI IS VERY GAY. He is addicted to porn and wanks 24/7. Oli also thinks he's a nigga but believe me he's as white as ghost. He also tells you to kill yourself and calls his girlfriend a Moonhead. in conclusion Oli Goodrum takes it up the ass.
person 1: "BAHAH look at that gay kid"
person 2: "yeah thats Oli Goodrum"
person 1: "ohhh yeah that makes sense"
by suckmydong69 August 22, 2019
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Plasterer extrordinair, unrivalled in talent & determination
Nothing is impossible for the unlimited & unrivalled talents of the one & only Blake Goodrum
by Blaketsnake August 3, 2017
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A large headed drug consuming fellow with few life prospects. goodrum is rarely out of debt
for fucks sake goodrum you have owed me money for fucking months
by jpalldayforte December 8, 2006
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