When you eat too much that you can’t contain what’s inside your belly.

When your stomach explodes.
Boyfriend: “Wow, you ate so much. Look at the size of your stomach!”

Girlfriend: “Ooooh-*BURP* Babe, take me to the doctor, I think I’m gonna blow!”
by BigBodyTyrone August 25, 2021
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the spookiest threat
robber:gimme your money
me:I'm gonna blow your head off
robber:*head explodes in fear*
by fuck off m8 ya scrub July 12, 2018
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"Oh fuucck! I'm gonna blow!!!" is what a guy shouts just before he squirts his creamy load.
Oh fuucck! I'm gonna blow!!!
by eda-skip May 29, 2023
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A word used whens someone or something is literally going to blow or figuratively going to blow.
Dude it feels like my head is gonna-blow
by 🐛🐛🐛 March 31, 2024
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