The art of dancing with glowsticks on strings involving moves such as wraps, tracing, string manipulations, and much more. It is a sub category of glowsticking that has derived from the rave scene and had a boom on the internet for the last 7 years since 2002.

Many glowstringing tutorials can be found at
by stringz4art March 26, 2009
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The art of spinning glowsticks on the ends of strings.

Eckstahsee is a damn good glowstringer.
by Eckstahsee December 19, 2003
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The art of spinning glowtick(s) or any lighting device (eg. LED, or any other electrically lit device) on the end of a string (or even a chain) of any type. This art form is deriven from the concept of poi, which is the art of spinning fire on a string or chain. Glowstringing has even become a form of dance.
That crew, String-E People, has some crazy glowstringing skills!

I was outside glowstringing with some friends.
by Christian Linares January 29, 2004
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