Yet another word for jizz. This time it's the stuff that a dude leaves on his girlfriend’s face when she's asleep and he's got home late and pissed up, thinking it's a laugh. Most often first detected the morning after.
Delia (waking up): "What the fuck is this all over my face!"
Jack (very hung over): "Errrr .... ghost snot?"
by Wizards Sleeve June 8, 2005
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When your nose is running so much and is so raw that instead of blowning your nose for the hundredth time you just stick tissues up your nose so snots not dripping out, the remainder of the tissue sticking out of your nose resembles old fashioned sheet ghosts. Hence Snot Ghosts.
My nose is so raw from blowing it so much, that I opted for snot ghosts today for some relief.
by OutbreakMonkey May 8, 2009
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