
Awesome, unforgettable, gorgeous, magnificent person. A pretty one. She's very friendly and attractive woman. People love her and want to be with her.
by Zvezdo4ka November 25, 2011
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Galya is the most amazing person,loving,caring she's a type of a girl the is active all the time she so funny and makes people feel happy when their with her she's a type of a person that words don't describe her personality
Galya is so Beautiful
by Yde6dh November 16, 2019
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A spazy, crazy yet lovable red-head with a blue-gatorade addiction. She is also ALMOST as awesome as her bestie Hannah. Her other bestie is in Brazil and we really miss her :-(. Her other-other bestie is also a redhead.She loves dogs but is despised by her relatives cats. Or it could just be a very cranky cat. She is usually sleep deprived to a point of uncontrollable hyperness.
by i<3glitter November 16, 2010
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stupendous, ravishing but has deformed toes
she can be found in most ponds and flies south for the winter.
by thuggman1234 July 16, 2010
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ew look at galya shes dumb
by ا October 18, 2020
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