Definition: a fat, ugly, pathetic couple. Referring to two people in a "relationship" that share the same physical and personal characteristics, can be described as but not limited too;

over weight, unhealthy, neglectful, extremely homely, trashy, deadbeat, drug abusing parasites and are known to steal from friends and family.
Byron and Janet are the biggest fupple I know, they should be neutered.
by UrWelcum July 6, 2016
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(noun) words made from being too hyper and slurring your words together.

(verb) the act of being too hyper and slurring your words together
we fuppled all the way to the movies to go see war horse. then we calmed the fuck down because that movie is horrifically sad.
by fuppler January 4, 2012
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A few couple of months.
We'll have that leadership meeting in a fupple, I'll keep you updated.
by DelRayStaff October 3, 2018
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Grey pubic hair such as vagina and or penis hair in which is gray
The fupple was long and slimey
by Ilovelongfupples October 31, 2015
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