To descibe a situation, sombody or something which is so hideously bad it is beyond belief. This phrase is often backed by an arm gesture (a little like limp handed punch) to allow the audience to realise the severity of the horendesness before them.
Person A: "Did you see what 'Laura' was wearing the other day?"
Person B: "Yeah i did it was Fucking Bad" (completed with limp handed punch so that person A realises just how bad the outfit was.
Person B: "Yeah i did it was Fucking Bad" (completed with limp handed punch so that person A realises just how bad the outfit was.
by An observer of good phrases June 17, 2010
by GeneticWyvern May 27, 2014
Someone who is terrible, sexually; bad in bed. To be lacking sexual skills. Can be either girl or guy.
"I had sex with Alex the other night. He's such a bad fuck."
"You're a bad fuck, you could improve greatly."
"Ashley is not someone I'd ever get with again, she's a bad fuck."
"You're a bad fuck, you could improve greatly."
"Ashley is not someone I'd ever get with again, she's a bad fuck."
by DrunkenFools January 16, 2012
by CraZyMan*69* October 29, 2008
When you are so pissed off that you say "Fuck Dick." and just to be safe that you don't offend the people around you, you say my bad rich as an apology to anyone with the name "dick."
by Drew P to E January 24, 2008