To have your wife brutally murdered over the phone, while you listen helplessly.
Agent 1: Did you hear Hotch's wife died?
Agent 2: Yeah he got Foyeted pretty bad.
by TheGingerReaper December 2, 2011
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verb (past foyeted) trans.

1. To brutally murder someone's wife over the phone while they listen helplessly.

2. To go on a killing spree and then stab yourself several times, and therefore fool the FBI into thinking you're not the guy they're looking for.

3. To go through a whole phone book, and ask everyone if Haley is there.

4. (intrans.) To have a fondness for deals.
Person 1: Did the FBI catch the Boston Reaper?
Person 2: Nah, he Foyeted them all.
by nonsensicalrealities December 3, 2011
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