when a penis suddenly goes floppy for no apparent reason
ohhhh no youve got a fladoodle
by jean + markus June 17, 2008
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Not giving a fuck. Fladoodle replaces the word "fuck" when talking to someone you aren't able to curse in front of just use the word fladoodle to replace.
by Jaevibes January 7, 2013
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in a gay relationship, it is the man who takes it up the ass
by kelson allen February 17, 2009
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-To have sex with someone in a close range in order to release oneself from a dry spell

-To masturbate
by DessyDontLikeYou April 20, 2015
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-To have sex with someone in a close range in order to release oneself from a dry spell

-To masturbate
by DessyDontLikeYou April 20, 2015
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any made up product usually asked for at a local superstore. (such as walmart, kmart, target, etc.) Remember to use many hand motions to describe the so called "fladoodle"
You: "Excuse me sir can you help me find some fladoodles?"
Employee: "Sorry ma'am we don't carry those."
by Pink&Blue March 1, 2009
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