a poser who acts like they like Obama just to be cool.
"Screw Steve, He's FauxBama"
by Imeanmine August 31, 2008
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When Obama is less than successful/truthful. F'ing up Obama during midterm elections.
If one in the hand is worth two in the bush, its Fauxbama
When I looked at him, he looked like Fauxbama. Can't get anything passed in the legislature? It's Fauxbama. The president not being truthful? It's Fauxbama.
by fobama November 3, 2010
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A person who says that they support Barack Obama to fit in with other co-workers, but in reality supports a different candidate or has divergent views from the Democratic Party doctrine.
I think the receptionist at work is not really one of us... She must be a FAUXbama Supporter!
by BryantK November 5, 2008
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