Tap Fap

When you are playing a typical tapping game on your phone (e.g. Tap Busters), whilst combining it with fapping. Tap Fap.
I love to Tap Fap!
by K0lnes September 3, 2018
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Sad Fap

when you masturbate and your dick is small so you cry about it afterwards
another day, another Sad Fap...
by lawquizox September 29, 2020
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Fap Free February

An event in wich partakers must not masturbate for the duration of the month of February, however it is a three strike system so you may masturbate twice and still pass thist event.
Hey dude are you participating in Fap Free February?
by ItWouldAppearToBeMe December 13, 2018
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Fap Free February

A hard month without busting a nutbeating your meat. This challange is really similar to No Nut November
Yo! Don't fap bro, it's Fap Free February!!!
by Fuckfortnite February 2, 2019
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sympathy fap

To masturbate in memory of someone who has just died.
Oh no, Nikki Brutal died! I'm gonna gonna go sympathy fap. She was the hottest streamer I knew.
by BuLL3t1789 December 26, 2016
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fap bank bounce

U see dat waifu on dat show, u know u gon google datass lata. Lata comes around... first result: huggin her tom brady-ass bitch.
Yo I wuz watchin community, u betta believe I wuz bankin dat Annie Edison ass, googled it, waddayaknow, datass is bein hugged by sum OTHA muthafucka, ooooo, fap bank bounce d!
by coffeedarklover September 25, 2022
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Possible Fap Potential

When a girl ugly but got a nice body and you feel guilty so you don't know if you might fap.
Man that butter face has a nice ass but I would never hit it, I might fap later because she got Possible Fap Potential
by armytim114 December 13, 2017
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