The name of a great band. The lead singer is Ronnie Radke who originally was in Escape The Fate. He was arrested but what set free on the 12th of December 2010. Jacky Vincent plays the lead guitar with Derek Jones. Ryan Seaman is on drums while Mika Kazuo Horiuchi plays bass. The have a new album called 'The Drug In Me Is You' released in July 26, 2010

Underneath is an example of the awesomness of Falling in Reverse, even creppy 40 years olds with houswife porn like it!
I cannot wait for the Falling In Reverse concert!"" I know. I love them and Ronnie sounds so hot and got muscles in jail and Mika is so cute and the guitar with Derek and Jacky I feel deep inside me and..."Um h-honey" "What were we talking about again? I just love Falling In Reverse
by bacon in the soap July 6, 2011
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A specific band that expresses lots of emotion and helps individuals get over problems in their lives.
WOW, that Falling in Reverse concert was so exciting and it really helped me release my anger!

Ronnie Radke Depression Relief Angry Anal Guts
by Funnyman96 July 5, 2017
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slogan on playboi cartiswhole lotta red” merchandise
“see cartis new merch?” “yeah falling in reverse is such a good slogan, good thing nobody important has used it!”
by yungthug6240 December 24, 2020
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A very unique band. They can range from Metalcore to rap rock within the blink of an eye. Also, Jacky Vincent is a mean guitarist!
Born to Lead by Falling In Reverse has a mixture of Metalcore and Punk rock in it
by Rotten Turkey June 17, 2023
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