Football Twitter, full of stupendous dubs and virgins simping 15 year olds. Giving kpop stans an L.
Did you see what he put on twitter?
Yeah that guy runs FT twitter
by CityFT January 2, 2020
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Part of twitter. Unlike KPop Twitter people here aren't 54 year olds jerking off to 13 year old Asian girls.
- I just found the best thing itw.
- Really? What is it?
- FT Twitter
by SalahSala January 2, 2020
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A bunch of racist ass teenagers or grown men who are keyboard warriors, they make fun of the deceased and say cringy shit like “dub” or “in the mud”. They started a stupid hashtag on twitter: #freefootballtwitter because some of their accounts got suspended and they’re being whiny babies about. Imagine hating someone else’s taste in music
Person 1: I just got called a nonce by someone on twitter
Person 2: Was it an ft twitter account?
by koya94 August 27, 2019
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