"If my FILDI is strong let me keep him in a velvet box until i really really need him. If my FILDI is weak let me feed him on oranges and not let him gorge himself on ego and arrogance." - Ze Frank, An Invocation for Beginnings
by ubernoobinator August 6, 2012
Usage is when in an interminable meeting and no decision seems in reach and people keep bringing up the same concerns and objections; someone finally says, "I declare FILDI" (or simply "FILDI") and a decision is thereby made and everyone can move on.
by Meddyfnych April 3, 2011
Initialism for "Fuck it let's do it." Used as motivation to do a project (music, art, writing, whatever) and put it into the world.
Originally used by the great vlogger Ze Frank.
Originally used by the great vlogger Ze Frank.
Person 1: I'm not really sure how this project will go. I wonder if anyone will like it...?
Person 2: Don't worry about that, just get your FILDI on!
Person 2: Don't worry about that, just get your FILDI on!
by Badusername99 May 14, 2012