the cutie from JUNO who played a pregnant teenage mother. she is also from halifax, nova scotia and loves the outdoors. she is pretty hot for a 20 year old even though she looks like she is 16. it would be awesome if you did her though cause then its like fucking someone who looks like a minor even though shes legal. the best of both worlds
by im hot for the teacher February 22, 2008
by ilovelucy222 April 29, 2018
JeepJorp Peepeestones “You’re not allowed to like what Ellen page did! That’ll make other people like it! That should be condemned! Because my fuck trophies are how I justify imposing my will on others! Hurray, Team Breeders! It doesn’t matter that I’m a fraud! People just keep letting me do it so how is it wrong? Just like that other guy.”
by Hym Iam October 30, 2022