EBBS is the abbreviation created by @Jennnnaaayy on TikTok, to quickly describe the ‘Everything But Bagel Seasoning’ she uses in the majority of her cooking TikTok Videos.
Hey Jen, you have EBBS in your teeth. Another delicious snack is capsicum, cream cheese and EBBS.
by Missus Rx November 29, 2020
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If u press ur face to the girls breast and pull back again several timmes while saying "ebbe" (german; in eng: ebb) and after fiver or four times, u gonna push the breasts with ur hands togehter and shake ur faces into it while shouting "Fluuuuuuuut" (Flut ->german; in eng: flood) . And the statisfaction is perfect ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I miss ebbe ebbe ebbe ebbe flut

Or, damn... doing ebbe ebbe ebbe ebbe fluuut is always fun
Also, if the ebbe ebbe ebbe ebbe is long, the fluuut gonna be great
Or also, the ocean is my heart ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
by Flood master June 29, 2016
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Ebbe means sexy, hot, cool.
Ahhhh! I feel so ebbe to day!!!
by snaxy May 11, 2009
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The sexiest man in the world, that can fuck everyone. Just be fuucking pretty and scream fuck me Ebbe and I will come and fuck you.
Just scream "I FEEL SO EBBE TODAY" and the gods will make you pretty as hell, so you can even fuck the sexiest man in the world, Ebbe.
by Korvmannen69 April 24, 2020
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another form of every bad word

Ebb happens.
Shit happens.

You ebb hole!
You ass hole!
by Master Scribble April 29, 2005
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An EBB is a Electric BB gun.. They are shittest pistols in the whole entire world - my throwing range is better than their shooting range.
EBB's are used in the best sport in the world - Airsoft.

"OMG! i just learnt that my EBB is pitafull!"
by James Bryant December 22, 2004
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