A term used by plumbers to identify each other when meeting at trade conventions.
plumber: "are you perhaps a member of the drain gang?"
sparkie: "the hell is the drain gang?"
plumber:"watch out for the black car tomorrow."

plumber: "drain gang?"
plumber 2: "DRAIN GAAAANG!"
by bigsmokechin April 25, 2022
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An idea that is beyond comprehension. It has been divided into 5 members, multiple albums and a clothing line as a way to make it accessible to mortals. Once you have experienced the drain you can't go back, it's a way of life, and a way towards the afterlife.
Someone: Show me Drain Gang

Me: Ok

Bladee: Take a knife drain your life
Bladee: Drain Jesus ice me immediately

Thaiboy Digital: All drain everything, every episode
Ecco2k: What you say? You're not even drain
by DRAIN GANG May 11, 2021
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Melissa: haha omg i love drain gang sksksk yeah daddy we stan aah <3
John: what the fuck melissa are you okay
by 6n5 j3yg gh April 22, 2021
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a group of homosexual men whose rectums are similar to that of a drain
“you coming with the drain gang tonight?”

hell yeah! ready to participate in gay anal sex!”
by drain gang gay June 11, 2022
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John: "You part of drain gang or nah?"
Ella: "The fuck is drain gang?"
by h4zehateslife August 25, 2022
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