When someone completes a normal activity in such a way that it looks like they have down syndrome; knuckle-dragger; mouth-breather.
The noob lanes mid like a Downie Brownie.
by Tyrone_of_Africa December 14, 2010
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The act of taking a Cleaveland Steamer on a downie.
"Hey Clyde, I took a crap on a downie's chest last night. What's that called?"
"That's a Downie Brownie. Grats."
by Gotpants January 11, 2009
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When someone is being a total idiot or retard.
(Mears reads "Duck Hunt")
Mears-"Guys, why are we playing "dick hunt"
C Dub- "Someone had a batch of Downie Brownies today........"
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When a person with downs syndrome shits their pants and then you eat their ass
I went into the bathroom the other day and jimmy was giving timmy a downie brownie!
by Crabsbane March 8, 2019
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A person with a normal or above intellect, but fails to function in the real world. Also struggles figuring out how to complete simple tasks.
That girl sure is a Downy Brownie when it comes to cut line!
by Max_Wright May 1, 2021
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