Service that ships boxes of supplies to college students monthly such as Toilet Paper, Paper Towels, Hand Soap, Cleaning Wipes, and Face Masks. DormlyBox is affordable and easy to use.
When you sign up for dormlybox, you won’t have to go to the store anymore, instead let your toiletries come to you!
by collegehackss January 9, 2022
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An affordable and convenient subscription service built for college students to get essentials such as toilet paper, paper towels, disinfectant wipes, hand soap, and face masks delivered right to their door. Additionally, for every 50 boxes sold, DormlyBox will donate a pack of toilet paper to local shelters and drives.
Signing up for DormlyBox would make my life so much easier and I won’t have to spend as much!
by collegehacks January 7, 2022
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