The most addicting game in the world. Created by Lima Sky for iPhone and iPod touch. Released Mar 16 on the App Store.
I played Doodle Jump for 6 hours straight.
by Tedblue126 August 5, 2009
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To be in the middle of a game of Doodle Jump.
I can't take the trash out right now, I'm Doodle Jumping and I've almost beaten my high score.
by Tikicobra November 2, 2010
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Doodle Jump addiction Is a medical disorder which originates from playing the popular iPod , ipad , and iPhone game excessively. This dissorder is a
permenant one and no treatment or cure has been found so far.
Symptoms: bags under eyes, halucinating green and blue platforms before your eyes, hearing gameplay
sounds at random times and Prolonged imaginary conversations with the game's charater, Doodler .
Joey: Dude, what's up with John?
Gregg: he's got Doodle Jump addiction (DJA), dude.
John: Dont worry doodler I'll save you... Hehe..hehe..
by Salem k April 21, 2010
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